Friday, July 27, 2012

Life in the Body: The Center of All Things

This post marks the beginning of a new series on the life of the church, the Body of Jesus Christ. Initially it will have five parts, with additional posts to intermittently follow in the future.

The Center of All Things

In the first post on this blog I spoke of how often the church focuses on doctrines, traditions, teachings, practices, and teachers. Such things are important and can be edifying, but these things are not at the center of Biblical Christianity. While putting so much time and energy in to these topics, we unintentionally push to the periphery that which is truly central to the Bible. Or rather WHO is truly central to the Bible…Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ  is the focus of the scriptures. And it is in Him that everything mentioned above finds its meaning. We understand doctrine in the person of Jesus. Tradition takes a back seat to Jesus. Our practices are an expression of Jesus Christ in us. Teachers who teach rightly reveal and  preach Jesus. He is at the root and center in everything, for by Him,to Him, and through Him are all things.

Here are several passages the New Testament points to the centrality of the person of Jesus:

1. Many spend a great deal of time on God the Father, and rightly so. But He only spoke twice in the New Testament, and He said the same thing both times: “This is My Son. Listen to Him!” God the Father points us to Jesus Christ.

2. Much attention is given to the work of the Holy Spirit. But according to John, the Spirit is given to reveal Christ. The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus Christ.

3. Paul took the gospel to cities throughout the Roman Empire. And everywhere He went His message was the same. Paul taught Jesus Christ.

4. Not only that, but Paul often left these new churches within a few months of planting them. What gave Him the ability to do what pastors today wouldn’t dream of doing even after years? The life and faith of the churches rested solely on Jesus Christ.

In the words of Colossians 1:

“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” (v. 17-18)

When the Lord Jesus Christ takes His rightful place at the center of the life of the church, everything changes. Our focus shifts from things to a person, and He begins to have His way in our life together. May Jesus Christ have the preeminence in all things, and especially in His church.

For Him,

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