Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pulling Out the Rug

Over the last several years I have been influenced by several brothers in Christ that I have never met. I want to take a moment to mention three of them. Please understand that this is not a blanket endorsement of everything they say or believe. I have yet to meet another believer with whom I would agree on everything. Nevertheless, they have been a revelation of Jesus Christ to me. I can confidently say that each of these men knows Jesus deeply and walks in His love and grace.

Wayne Jacobsen

Wayne speaks of Jesus Christ in a way that was new and earth-shattering to me when I first heard him in 2007. Quite simply, the Lord worked through Wayne to reveal His love for me as I’d never seen it before. He also was able to help me distinguish between church style and a religious mindset. A religious mindset, serving God out of a sense of duty or obligation, cuts across all church styles and absolutely kills the life of Jesus Christ. Wayne eloquently an graciously speaks of freedom from a life of religious performance and living in relationship with a Father who loves us.

Frank Viola

I was first introduced to Frank’s writings on the church. His books Pagan Christianity? and Reimagining Church present a radically different picture of the church than what most of us know (one that is truly rooted in the scriptures. But the most influential book I’ve ever read is his From Eternity to Here. In it, Frank writes about the eternal purpose of God that is wrapped up in the person of Jesus Christ. My  understanding of the person of Jesus and His centrality in all things has been deepened by the words of this brother.

Darin Hufford

Darin is a bit of a wild card. :) Listen to a podcast and you'll see what I mean. He is brother who wears his heart on his sleeve. He lives life as he is in Christ, without an ounce of pretense. And the Lord has given him great insight into the scriptures, particularly in his book The Misunderstood God.

I highly encourage you to take a look at some of the things these brothers have written (links are on the right. I listen to their podcasts regularly while I run and also read their blogs…or at least I have up to now…

Pulling Out the Rug

Something intriguing has happened this week. Monday Frank Viola announced he was taking a blog sabbatical. Tuesday I found out that Darin Hufford is hospitalized with a serious illness (please pray for him). And just tonight I learned that Wayne Jacobsen is taking a break from his podcast. In the span of four days there has been a significant change in the ease of access I have to the thoughts of these brothers that have influenced me so greatly.

I take this as the Lord speaking something to me. I've never felt that I was dependent upon these men for my spiritual life and growth, but maybe I am. Or maybe He wants to take this opportunity to quiet these voices so I can hear His voice more clearly. Who knows? But I’m all ears, Lord.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated on this. Be on the lookout for the fifth post in the Life In the Body series next week.

In Christ,

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